Your FREE FPU Member Info Pak Awaits!

Whether you are an Avid, Intermittent, or in particular a Non-Exerciser we've got your beginning, your middle and your rear-end covered!

Thank you for joining The Non Exerciser's Guide Fitness Power User's Group. Your advancing levels of muscle memory resourses are second to none.

Here is where you'll discover where the fitness rubber meets with four resources designed to help you:

  • Learn the Four Phases of Fitness,
  • Achieve a more modern masculine frame or/a more firm form-fitting feminine physique.
  • Conquer dieting blindspots and exercise error messages so you can avoid ending up becoming another

cog in the fitness wheel.

  • Seamlessly Unlock the three gateways to motivation while discovering your indomitable life force.

Your FPU Member Info Pak wil noruish your moving and nonmoving parts!